Mozilla: 5 years

I missed my 5 year anniversary at Mozilla by a few days here.

As is my tradition, here’s my Bugzilla user stats (from today — I am 3 days late from my real anniversary which was the 27th)

  • Bugs filed 729
  • Comments made 3359
  • Assigned to 365
  • Commented on 1209
  • Patches submitted 1052
  • Patches reviewed 94
  • Bugs poked 1813

The last year was a big one. Tackled my biggest project to date, which ironically, wasn’t even a SpiderMonkey project really: I worked on reimplementing the WHATWG Streams standard inside the DOM. With the help of other Mozillians, we now have the most conformant implementation of the Streams specification by WPT testing. I became the module owner of the resulting DOM Streams module.

I also managed to get a change into the HTML spec, which is a pretty neat outcome.

I’m sure there’s other stuff I did… but I’m procrastinating on something by writing this blog post, and I should get back to that.