A Listing of Compiler Teams

When I was just getting started in compilers, I found that I was really inspired by Nullstone’s compilerjobs.com page. It was really cool to have a Job board dedicated to an area I found interesting, and it was even more interesting to see what companies I’d never have imagined to do compiler work having teams of people working on the area.

Alas, a few years ago, compilerjobs.com’s listings stopped loading, and so this resource disappeared.

In the last few years, as I’ve talked to colleagues and people I’ve mentored about their careers aspirations, it’s become clear that people aren’t aware of the breadth of companies that are doing this kind of work. I have a private listing I’ve shared with people on the job hunt. I’ve decided that it’s time for me to make this listing public, and to try to open it up to others to help me maintain.

Here it is, in its preliminary form

Please, give it a look over, and help me fill it in. My aspiration for this is for it to become a valuable resource for anyone interested in working in this field.