CMPUT 229 Haikus

I wanted to give students an opportunity to demonstrate a bit of creativity on the final, and give me a bit of a of a bright spot while marking, and so the final question on my final exam was the following:

For two points, write a haiku about Computer Architecture. As a reminder, the Haiku form has three lines, where the first and third line have five syllables, and the second line has seven syllables. As an example, here’s one ChatGPT wrote, poorly...

I had many excellent examples from my students, some of which made me laugh out loud. To avoid this becoming a whole poetry collection, I limited myself to five students, asking if I could post their haikus with their permission.

Without further ado, in a random order:

With Tamed Lightning,

A world solemnly marches,

Keeping rhythmic time

by Benjamin Lehmann

Winter, sun shines not,

Though not halting cosmic rays

A bit flips, blue screen

by Nick Bjarnason

The Stack Canary

Sings a song to keep away

Those who come to play

by Saba Gul

Pipelines make it fast

But cause debilitating

headaches for students

by William Creaser

Never Code in C,

Not Good for Security,

Segmentation Fault

by Liam Houston

This was a nice little exercise in fun. Next final I’ll ask for permission to use them on the final themselves, just to avoid having to bother students later!